The only way to be pure is to stay by yourself

sonic youth

The only way to be pure is to stay by yourself
Total submission can be a form of freedom
Often you should act like you are sexless
The more you know the better off you are
Symbols are more meaningful than things themselves
Description is more valuable than metaphor
It’s better to study the fact than to analyze its history
Eating too much is criminal
You should enjoy yourself because you can’t change anything anyway
There’s a fine line between information and propaganda
Chasing the new is dangerous
You can’t expect people to be something they’re not
Sometimes all you can do is look the other way
Anything is a legitimate area of investigation
Habitual contempt or disgust doesn’t reflect a finer sensibility
You can pull yourself out of any hole if you are determined enough
Imposing order is man’s vocation; chaos is a version of hell
Hiding your motives is despicable
Trading a life for a life is fair enough
Sacrificing yourself for a bad cause is not a moral act
Redistributing wealth is mandatory
Change is valuable because it gives the oppressed a chance to be tyrants
It is heroic to try to stop time
You get the face you deserve
Thinking too much can only cause trouble
You are responsible for constituting the meaning of things
You are completely guileless in your dreams
Children are the hope of the future
People are boring until they’re extremists
You don’t know what’s what until you support yourself
You must disagree with authority figures
Violence is permissable, even desirable occassionally
In some instances it’s better to die than to continue
You have no more responsibility to your family than to other people
You should raise boys and girls in the same way
At times inactivity is preferable to mindless functioning
It’s good to try to stay clean on all levels
It’s crucial to have an active fantasy life
The most profound things are inexpressible
Self-awareness can be crippling
Abstraction is a type of decadence
Being bored can make you do crazy things
Drama often obscure the real issues
Crimes against property are relatively unimportant
Dying should be as easy as falling off a log
The world operates according to discoverable laws
There’s nothing redeeming in toil
Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid
Fathers often use too much force
If you’re not political, your personal live should be exemplary
Slipping into madness is valuable for the sake of comparison
Learn to trust your own eyes
Teasing people sexually can have ugly consequences
There’s no sense being anywhere but the top of the heap
Your actions are pointless if no one notices them
A strong sense of duty can imprison you
Repetition is the best way to learn things

Jenny Holzer
Sin título, 1978
Colección Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singe

De la expo de Sonic Youth «Sensational Fix», hasta el 2 de mayo en el Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (sí), comentada por Atkivity y algunas fotos en mi set en Flickr.

Una respuesta a «The only way to be pure is to stay by yourself»

  1. Me encanta que hayas posteado ese texto. Me entretuve leyéndolo entero en la expo, no sé por qué. Muchas otras cosas las pasé rápidamente, y esto me enganchó de alguna forma.

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