Un buen líder es como un editor

Lo que significa ser un CEO, en palabras de Jack Dorsey:

I’ve often spoken to the editorial nature of what I think my job is, I think I’m just an editor, and I think every CEO is an editor. I think every leader in any company is an editor. Taking all of these ideas and you’re editing them down to one cohesive story, and in my case, my job is to edit the team, so we have a great team that can produce the great work and that means bringing people on and in some cases having to let people go. That means editing the support for the company, which means having money in the bank, or making money, and that means editing what the vision and the communication of the company is, so that’s internal and external, what we’re saying internally and what we’re saying to the world -that’s my job. And that’s what every person in this company is also doing. We have all these inputs, we have all these places that we could go -all these things that we could do- but we need to present one cohesive story to the world.

Jack Dorsey

Esto fue parte de una charla que dio en TownSquare, una reunión con su equipo de Square en ocasión de su 34to. cumpleaños y que alguien grabó en video. En la charla habla sobre el Golden Gate Bridge de San Francisco para explicar sobre el diseño, la ingeniería, los desafíos, el hacer una compañía donde lo importante es el producto y no la personalidad de sus líderes.

Foto: Nick Bilton

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